Academic Support

At St Thomas More College we realise that your studies are what brought you to us and we’re here to give you every assistance as you progress through your degree course.

Your room comes complete with a study desk – and enough shelf space to satisfy even a medical student. It also has internet access, so that you don’t have to leave your room to look up those references you meant to check when you were last in the library.

Of course, we also know that there will be plenty of times when your own four walls will be the last thing you want to look at as you struggle with that particularly annoying essay question. We have several dedicated Academic Learning Centres that cater for independent or group study sessions.

And if you want fresh air while you work, we often see students – alone or in small groups – sitting out on the lawn or in the piazza during the better weather, laptops and textbooks spread before them. Ah, the pressures of academic life.

How we help

Multiple Study Spaces

St Thomas More College has multiple Study Rooms and Lounges to help students who wish to get out of their room, or study together in groups.

Free Tutoring

The College regularly arranges additional tutorials in areas of concern to students. If you feel that you would benefit from some extra time spent going over the basics of a particular course, simply ask the management team, who will be able to arrange either group sessions with other students here in College, or a one-on-one tutorial timetable for you.

University Connections

Our staff have worked alongside university administration for many years, so if you’re having any issues with your School or Faculty, or want to know how to approach a particular issue, we can offer help and advice based on long experience.